Finding The Rock Classes
We want you to hit a home run. These classes are designed to help you do just that. Below you will find a condensed overview on what is taught in each class.
FTR 101 Discovering Our Church (Knowing)
In this informal class you will have the opportunity to learn about our church and it goals, receive information about church membership and be able to ask any questions you might have.
FTR 201 Discovering Spiritual Growth (Growing)
This class will help you develop the habits you need to jump-start your spiritual growth. It will give you an overview of the three basic spiritual habits every Christian needs in order to grow: Daily Time with God (prayer and Bible reading), Giving, and Fellowship.
FTR 301 Discovering My Ministry (Serving)
You have a lot to offer! This class helps you discover your God given design. You will also learn how to recognize and activate the gifts & talents that God has placed in your life.
FTR 401 “Discovering My Life Mission (Going)
God created you with a purpose and has given you each a unique story. In This class you’ll learn how to communicate that story to your neighborhood, workplace and around the world. By using your own gifts, personality and story, you’ll touch people only you can touch.