Tracy’s Thoughts Day 8
The 3 Fs Continues
Everyone say Yeah, it’s Sunday and that means 1 week down 2 weeks to go. I want to encourage everyone that has joined us on this 21 day journey to remember, if you feel a little lethargic in your prayer life; (I know sometimes I do) don’t be discouraged the fast is a prayer itself. Keep on keeping on!
Picking up from yesterday, we return to the story of Issac & Rebekah and their boys Esau & Jacob. (Genesis 24-27) I really wanted to call them the —- family but it dawned on me they didn’t have last names! No, no we can’t go off on that bunny trail! But I am going to hop around so please forgive me. Lol Let’s go back to when Rebekah is expecting. Those babies must have been doing all kinds of gymnastics because it causes Rebekah to say Lord, what on earth is going on! Back then you couldn’t just run down to the local imagining sonogram clinic, imagine that, you had to ask God. Here’s the cool part, He tells her, and God lets her know who is going to be “the boss”. Hop on over a few chapters and we come to the last days of Issac. Here he is, poor guy, he just wants his favorite son to make him his favorite dish, he’s going to eat it and pronounce a blessing. Out goes older brother in comes momma Rebekah with a whole lot of deception going on.
Why all the need for the deception? First, God already told her that the younger son would rule over the older one. Second, Issac had already gotten the birthright from Esau earlier, you know Esau was so hungry he thought he would die 🤣. Here’s my thought, and it brings us to the second F – fear… somewhere along the way she thought she had to help God out. The first time we are introduced to Rebekah, without hesitation she sets off with this servant guy and leaves everything she’s known, to go to some foreign land and make a life with a man she’s never laid eyes on! You’ve got to love that! But, somewhere along the road of life she gave way to her fear that God wasn’t going to work it out. She took matters into her own hands. When we walk in fear and not faith we can make some really bad decisions. (Just look what it cost Esau, he sold his birthright) I wonder what would have happened if she had just stood back and watched God fulfill what he had already spoken? Life in Issac home would have been a lot more peaceful! As we continue on this fast, let’s take sometime and think 🤔 ask the Holy Spirit to show you anything you might have let go because of fear and then let’s believe that He will give us the Faith to walk out plans that He has for our lives.
Let’s pray, Lord thank you for these examples that we read about in Your word. Sometimes they seem extreme, but if we go to the root, we all deal with the same issues. Root up any fear in our lives and replace it with the faith that nothing is impossible for you! Amen