Church On The Rock, Quitman

Day 6

Tracy’s Thoughts Day 6


Wow, days do seem to be flying – is that just me? If your on this journey with me, I’d like to say thanks. This is something new for me (the devotional) and I really appreciate all the encouragement I’ve received. 😇

Doing a Daniel fast, like so many are; (side note, went to Walmart to buy some broth and the shelves where bare…crazy) I can’t help thinking about Daniel and all he went through in his life – he’s got to be one of my all time heroes. What an example of a godly life! Here he is going about his business and the only dirt his enemy’s have to trap him is his devotion to God and his prayer life! Talk about not being ashamed of the gospel. As the story goes in Daniel 6 those drinking the hateraid go to the king and set up a trap to get rid of Daniel. The king buys the flattery hook line and sinker, and then we see later in verse 14 that he regrets his decree and try’s to get Daniel out of the mess he created.

Here’s my thought, how many times have we made hasty decisions only to spend countless hours trying to figure out how to get out of them. Now, I don’t think this king was a stupid guy, you would think he could have seen through these flatterers. I think he was just caught in the moment, high on the mountain top, top of his game, sure sounds good, why not… only to realize later his pride could cost his friend. That my friends is the rub in all of our lives. It’s the “i” in pride that gets us every time.

Now the story has a great ending, Daniel is not eaten by the lions, the king has a revelation about who should be worshiped, and the bad guys get eaten by lions. Oh by the way, the king ends up on a fast too (Vs 18), I bet Daniel wish he had fasted and prayed before the decree! Fasting is a sure way to rid yourself of pride that leads to bad decisions.

Let’s pray, Lord, we confess that we daily have to deal with pride and sometimes the bad decisions that come along with it. Help us daily to seek you more and more, keep us from those sins that so easily besets us. I’m so thankful that even in our haste you are there always ready to help us when we call. Thank you Jesus! Amen