Tracy’s Thoughts – Day 5
Run For It
Wow, it’s already day 5 almost a full week down. By now I bet you’ve hit a rhythm and the fasting part is getting a little easier – if not hang in there. 😇
I hope today you have your sneakers on because I just can’t get away from the story about Lot. You know there’s a lot about Lot I really don’t want to think about! I mean really, he’s offering up his sweet girls to ALL the men of the city, to keep them from molesting his Angelic messenger guys? Then, he hesitates on leaving this horrible city!
In verse 17 of Genesis 19 the angels order them to run and escape to the mountains, but Lot begged them to let them run to a closer little city. Here’s my thought, I wonder if Lot had obeyed the instructions of the angels and kept on running, maybe his wife would have been far enough away from Sodom and too tired to be tempted to look back? Later we read in verse 30 that he ended up in a cave in the mountains anyway. How much better would his life had been, if he had just headed there in the first place?
I think we must be honest with ourselves and face the fact that sometimes our disobedience causes the ones we love to suffer needlessly. Maybe not as dramatically as turning to a pillar of salt, but affected negatively just the same. I’d like to think that what I do only effects me, myself, and I but that’s just not how this life works. Everything I touch leaves some DNA and I can leave my mark in a good or a bad way. That goes for everyone of us; our choices and decisions we make everyday change lives, good or bad. So why don’t we choose today to spread some light and make it a better world.
Let’s pray: Jesus, today with the help of the Holy Spirit I ask you to help me be someone you can use to make this world a little better. Help me to give hope to those who are discouraged, help me to use the gifts and talents you’ve given me for your glory and not my own. Let it become real to me that there are people in darkness that need some light, don’t let me stop short of where you want me to go and what lives you want me to touch. In Jesus Name Amen