Church On The Rock, Quitman

Day 1

Tracy’s Thoughts Day 1

Give What You Have

Just a little background… It all started New Year’s Day, my sweet husband told me he thought everything was good to go on our website for our annual 21 days of fasting but (pause) it sure would be nice to have some kind of fasting devotional; maybe we could add a link? My answer to that was why don’t you write one? His answer, “oh no, not me” and he left it at that. I just couldn’t get the thought out of my mind and thus, Tracy’s Thoughts was born. So we begin this 21 day journey, I hope it will be a blessing to you.

I’ve always been amazed at Jesus’s miracle of feeding the 5000. (Matthew 14:15-21) Here they were in the desert, listening to The Master teach and its getting late. The disciples I guess, realized if they didn’t dismiss the crowd pretty soon they were about to have some hangrey people on their hands. But what does Jesus say? “You give them something to eat.” Of course, all they have is a little boys lunch of loaves and bread. Let’s stop right there… let’s think about that. Are you telling me out of all those people only one boy had the common sense to pack a lunch? I doubt it, but I think we can take away from the story that this boy was willing to share. He gave them what he had and then it was multiplied!

The blessing comes when we give Jesus what we have. He takes it, blesses it, and multiplies it. Look what happened, not only were people fed but they got to take home leftovers! This year let’s be like the little boy, let’s give Jesus what we have. It might seem small in our eyes but in The Masters hands it can become much!

Let’s pray: Jesus today, as we begin this 21 day fast, help us to give you what we have. Don’t let us hold anything back. Don’t let pride and insecurity keep us from being used by you. Above all let us listen and trust you and then obey what you say. We look forward with anticipation at all you want to do in our lives.  Amen
Ps Next time I’ll try to pick out stories without food. Lol 🙂