Grace – Part 3
Sunday, November 26, 2017 Grace … what is it, and do we need it? AW Tozer said, “If we are not changed by grace, then we are not saved by grace.” In these messages, Pastor David will unpack four things that grace does for you and me.
Sunday, November 26, 2017 Grace … what is it, and do we need it? AW Tozer said, “If we are not changed by grace, then we are not saved by grace.” In these messages, Pastor David will unpack four things that grace does for you and me.
Sunday, September 3, 2017 Grace … what is it, and do we need it? AW Tozer said, “If we are not changed by grace, then we are not saved by grace.” In these messages, Pastor David will unpack four things that grace does for you and me.
Sunday, August 20, 2017 Grace … what is it, and do we need it? AW Tozer said, “If we are not changed by grace, then we are not saved by grace.” In these messages, Pastor David will unpack four things that grace does for you and me.
Sunday, November 12, 2017 Have you ever wondered, Is the devil real or is he just a figment of our imagination? If he is real, where did he come from and what are his intentions? This is the final message in the series entitled Boo. Today Pastor David tells us how we can put the
Sunday, November 5, 2017 Have you ever wondered, Is the devil real or is he just a figment of our imagination? If he is real, where did he come from and what are his intentions? In this new series, Pastor David will help us answer these questions and more. Watch if you dare…
Sunday, October 29, 2017 Have you ever wondered, Is the devil real or is he just a figment of our imagination? If he is real, where did he come from and what are his intentions? In this new series, Pastor David will help us answer these questions and more. Watch if you dare… 10-29-2017 BOO
Sunday, October 22, 2017 Have you ever wondered, Is the devil real or is he just a figment of our imagination? If he is real, where did he come from and what are his intentions? In this new series, Pastor David will help us answer these questions and more. Watch if you dare…
Sunday, October 15, 2017 * Please forgive our poor audio – we were having technical difficulties. Everyone wants to be happy. But what makes us happy? And why is happiness easy to find, but hard to keep? For six weeks we will explore what happy people have in common and how these things can become a reality in our
What Makes You Happy: Part 6 Read More »
Sunday, October 8, 2017 Tracy Jackson, our Pastors wife shares part 5 in our current series, “What Makes You Happy”. Everyone wants to be happy. But what makes us happy? In this message, Tracy shares the difference between pleasure and happiness. So get ready. We are about to discover What makes you happy.
What Makes You Happy: Part 5 Read More »
Sunday, October 1, 2017 Everyone wants to be happy. But what makes us happy? And why is happiness easy to find, but hard to keep? For six weeks we will explore what happy people have in common and how these things can become a reality in our lives. So get ready. We are about to discover What makes
What Makes You Happy: Part 4 Read More »