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Easter Contentment

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!  Contentment: feeling or showing satisfaction with one’s possessions, status, or situation – ease of mind.  Sounds like something everyone wants to have.  In this Easter message Pastor David shares what true contentment is and how we can obtain it.  We hope this Easter season finds you in a true place of contentment. Read more

Diablo X-Posed Part 4

Sunday, March 17, 2013

This is the last message in a mini-series Pastor Jackson started entitled: Diablo X-Posed.  This series is designed to expose Satan and his devices so that we aren’t left exposed to what he has planned for our life. Remember the thief has come to kill, steal, and destroy – but God came to give us life more abundantly! Read more

Diablo X-Posed – Part 3

Sunday, March 10, 2013

This is a new mini-series Pastor Jackson started entitled: Diablo X-Posed.  This series is designed to expose Satan and his devices so that we aren’t left exposed to what he has planned for our life. Remember the thief has come to kill, steal, and destroy – but God came to give us life more abundantly! Read more

Diablo X-Posed Part 2

Sunday, February 24, 2013

This is a new mini-series Pastor Jackson started last week entitled: Diablo X-Posed.  This series is designed to expose Satan and his devices so that we aren’t left exposed to what he has planned for our life. Remember the thief has come to kill, steal, and destroy – but God came to give us life more abundantly! Read more

Risk And Reward

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Have you ever taken a risk? Let’s face it – if you got in a car today,  you took a risk and the reward was you didn’t have to walk. In this message Pastor Jim Rapp shares that in life we have the opportunity for risk and reward. Don’t let the risk keep you from sharing in the reward. Read more

Life Long LOVE

Sunday, February 10, 2013

In a society where 40 to 50 % of all first time marriages end in divorce; can you really have a life long love?  In this message Pastor David shares with us tools to help your marriage last for a lifetime.  Not married, listen anyway because these principles will help you in your everyday relationships! Read more

What’s The Score?

Sunday, February 3, 2013

In the United States, The Super Bowl is somewhat considered a national holiday. Two football teams will battle it out on the field and when the game is over we will have a new champion. Yes great talk will be about plays and strategy but the most important factor will be what’s the score? Who won the game?  In this message Pastor David shares with us three keys to victory and how we can help others win. Read more


Sunday, January 27, 2013

Psalm 92:12 says, “The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree.”  In this message Pastor David shows us what it means to flourish like a palm tree and he also shares some wonderful testimonies of what the Lord has done leading up to this Miracle Sunday. Read more

The Entrance

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Everyone can appreciate a spectacular entrance, whether it’s a bride coming down a spiraling staircase or a group of performers entering a stage to smoke and lights not to mention noise. In this message we examine how it was on The Day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit made His grand entrance and what it meant to the church. Read more