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Growing Pains

Sunday, October 21, 2018

When you were growing up do you remember ever having “growing pains”? It’s a pretty normal childhood occurrence and fortunately doesn’t last very long. Sometimes in our walk with Christ, we may experience our own growing pains. In this message, we will explore how these growing pains can increase our spiritual strength and develop our character. Read more

Daniel, Living A Life Of Faith – Part 6

Sunday, October 14, 2018 

Sometimes this world seems like it wants to chew you up and spit you out; in Daniels day that wasn’t just a figure of speech! So how do we stand firm and love well? In these series of messages, we will look at Daniels life and how even in captivity and dangerous circumstances he never wavered in his faith and dedication to God. Today’s final message in the series, Cultures Greatest Need: Truth & Grace

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Daniel, Living A Life Of Faith – Part 5

Sunday, October 7, 2018 

Sometimes this world seems like it wants to chew you up and spit you out; in Daniels day that wasn’t just a figure of speech! So how do we stand firm and love well? In these series of messages, we will look at Daniels life and how even in captivity and dangerous circumstances he never wavered in his faith and dedication to God. Today’s message Cultures Greatest Culprit – Unfocused and Busy Lives.

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Daniel, Living A Life Of Faith – Part 4

Sunday, September 30, 2018 

Sometimes this world seems like it wants to chew you up and spit you out; in Daniels day that wasn’t just a figure of speech! So how do we stand firm and love well? In these series of messages, we will look at Daniels life and how even in captivity and dangerous circumstances he never wavered in his faith and dedication to God. Today’s message The Insanity Of The Last Days. Read more

Daniel, Living a Life of Faith – Part 3

Sunday, September 23, 2018 

Sometimes this world seems like it wants to chew you up and spit you out; in Daniels day that wasn’t just a figure of speech! So how do we stand firm and love well? In these series of messages, we will look at Daniels life and how even in captivity and dangerous circumstances he never wavered in his faith and dedication to God. Today’s message Cultures Greatest Test. Read more

Daniel, Living a Life of Faith – Part 2

Sunday, September 16, 2018 

Sometimes this world seems like it wants to chew you up and spit you out; in Daniels day that wasn’t just a figure of speech! So how do we stand firm and love well? In these series of messages, we will look at Daniels life and how even in captivity and dangerous circumstances he never wavered in his faith and dedication to God. Today’s message Identity Theft. Read more