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Pentecost 2.0 Part 2

June 7, 2020

Building sandcastles in the sand, then watching the waves wash them away can be so much fun. But if you build your real house on sand, eventually that house is going to fall and that’s no fun! In this message, we learn how to shore up our foundation because no one wants to be standing in a pile of rubble!

Pentecost 2.0

May 31, 2020

There really is nothing new; riots, tension, and unrest have plagued nations throughout history. What we need, is what the disciples needed on that wonderful day in the upper room. Join us as we discover what Pentecost is all about.

Broken Crayons Still Color

May 10, 2020

Wouldn’t it be great if we lived in a perfect world; perfect children, perfect spouses, living with perfect well behaved pets? Well, the truth is, nobody is perfect. We all are in various degrees of brokenness, but that doesn’t stop God from wanting to use us. Tune in while Tracy shares, “Broken Crayons Still Color”.

Be A Monkey And Live

May 3, 2020

We’ve all heard the term, “Monkey See, Monkey Do”; most of the time it’s not meant as a compliment. In this message we discover how being a monkey, can be a good thing.