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Foundations – Part 1

Wednesday, September 22, 2019

As we see the foundations being destroyed, this series is a real winner!

God’s Big Ten – Part 10

September 15 2019

Today, people seem to think very little about making sure something is factual before passing along the information. If you have every had something untrue stated about you, you know just how hurtful this can be. In this message we look at the 9th commandment and the blessings that comes with the truth.

God’s Big Ten – Part 9

August 25, 2019

Ever had something stolen from you? If you have, you know the horrible feeling it produced; anything from fear to revenge. As we look at this 8th commandment let’s be reminded that stealing can take on many forms.

God’s Big Ten – Part 8

August 18, 2019

When is a relationship right and when is it wrong? This message will answer this question and so much more!

God’s Big Ten – Part 2

July 7, 2019

If you seek to be more successful in your business, you will probably come across this quote, “you must keep the main thing, the main thing”. That makes sense, when we take our eyes off the main thing, other things tend to replace what is most important. In this message we start off with what we could all call, “the main thing”.

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God’s Big Ten

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Rules, some say rules were made to be broken; but in essence, rules are really designed to make our life better. In this series, we will take a look at “God’s Big Ten” and find out how they can help us today.

Making Room For The Holy Spirit – Part 4

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Have you ever been down? You just need someone to speak into your life and give you something to hold on to. In this final part of our series we look into what some call the declarative gifts. Let’s make room for the Holy Spirit to use us!

Making Room For The Holy Spirit – Part 3

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Through this  series we’ve learned that God is a good father, and like any good father, He wants to give his children gifts. Today, we look at what some call the “power gifts” and how they can be used in our lives today.