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Whats In Your Crown

Sunday, July 10, 2011

This morning we are excited to have our good friend Larry Myers sharing the word with us. For more than thirty years Mexico Ministries under the direction of Larry Myers has been helping expand the Kingdom of God throughout the nation of Mexico by building churches, training pastors and bringing medical ministry to people all over the nation. Enjoy this special word Larry has for us. Read more

The Usual Suspects – Regret

Sunday, June 26, 2011

This is the third and final part of a mini-series entitled, The Usual Suspects – Arresting The Notorious. This last suspect tries to make you think it’s not that bad, just a petty thief – but don’t you believe it. Regret is just as much of a killer as our first suspect doubt. In today’s sermon Pastor Jackson shows us how we can put regret behind bars once and for all. Read more